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Drimina National School, Tubbercurry, County Sligo


2020/2021 School Year

10th Dec 2020
The Junior & Senior Infants we’re very busy recently creating these beautiful...
10th Dec 2020
Take a look at these beautiful pieces created by Mrs Neary’s class. The children...
10th Dec 2020
Not only have the pupils of 1st, 2nd & 3rd created beautiful advent calendars,...
10th Dec 2020
The boys & girls in Mrs Neary’s room have been busy making their advent...
1st Dec 2020
The children are really enjoying learning how to play the ukulele this year as part...
30th Nov 2020
Junior and Senior infants really enjoyed painting owl babies based on the lovely...
30th Nov 2020
18th Nov 2020
17th Nov 2020
The Christmas Annuals are now available to order through the school. Every...
13th Nov 2020
There was great excitement in Junior and Senior infants for science week. The children...