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Drimina National School, Tubbercurry, County Sligo

Back to School 2024

24th Aug 2024

August 23rd 2024

Dear Parents

As we near the end of the summer holidays and the beginning of the new school year, the staff of Drimina NS look forward to welcoming all our wonderful children back to on Wednesday next. We especially look forward to greeting the new Junior Infants. No doubt they are all very excited! Only 4 more sleeps to go!!! 

Please note the following information in relation to the upcoming reopening and start of the school year 2024/2025.

  • School reopens for ALL pupils on Wednesday next, August 28th 2024 at 9:20am
  • The class groupings for the year ahead are as follows:
  • Junior and Senior Infants/Class Teacher: Ms Niamh Walsh
  • 1st & 2nd/Class Teacher: Ms Melanie Tighe
  • 3rd/4th/ Class Teacher: Mrs Helena Neary
  • 5th/6th/Class Teacher: Ms Amanda Gavigan
  • The Junior Infants will go home at 12:30pm for the first two weeks.

(Please ensure collection of children is communicated with the relevant childcare settings)

  • The new Junior infants can be accompanied by their parents into the classroom on the first morning.
  • We would like to welcome Ms Niamh Walsh, Ms Amanda Gavigan and our new SNA, Mrs Ita Corley to Drimina NS.

As you all know I will not be returning to Drimina NS this year.  As I reflect on many, many great times and memories since my commencement as Principal of Drimina NS in January 2012, I am very proud of each and every one of the pupils who attended throughout this time.  I leave safe in the knowledge that the school has achieved and reached very high standards on an academic, sporting and holistic level.  I have been most fortunate to have worked alongside the most professional of staff members, both past and present, whom always made coming to work a joy and who always had the very best interests of their pupils to the forefront of their thinking.

To have now regained our 4th classroom teacher and a second SNA, is nothing but a positive for the children of Drimina NS.

On that note I wish the staff, pupils and the school community every blessing and good wish for the year ahead and the future.

Mrs Gill