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Drimina National School, Tubbercurry, County Sligo

September and October

28th Oct 2022

We have had a busy few weeks in the senior room. We have been learning all about our senses, the planets and the sun. We have been working hard in our English, Irish and Math, starting our first novel of the year 'There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom'. We have focused on Mé féin and Bia in Irish.


We participated in Math week where the children played the game Countdown, using numbers to form a sum to add up to our answer. We participated in a math trail around the school solving different equations and gathering data to put into bar charts.


The children also participated in a Friendship week where they wrote kind comments about each other and we read them allowed to the class. They are now displayed on one of our boards within the classroom for everyone to read and we will continue to add to these over the next few weeks. The children also came up with positive characteristics about themselves and attached them to a cloud to make a rainbow.