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Drimina National School, Tubbercurry, County Sligo


23rd Oct 2020

Have you ever just sat & looked out the window? Stopped for a moment to take in the beautiful world around you? During each season?

Well having read the book “Windows” in class, or rather not read it, but looked at the book; explored it, talked about it & discussed it. 

You see this book is unique as it has no words, just pictures. It allows our children to use their imaginations; to picture & visualize how they see & interpret their world.

This is exactly what 1st, 2nd & 3rd class did. Well done boys & girls.

What wonderful work. 

In the times we are living through I think you’ll agree that through the eyes of a child, we see the future filled with love & hope. 🍂☀️🌟🎃