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Drimina National School, Tubbercurry, County Sligo

News - Junior & Senior Infants

2020/2021 School Year

15th Mar 2021
We are thrilled to be back in school. We have been super busy in the junior room...
3rd Feb 2021
Junior and senior infants are working super hard at home. Last week we were learning...
21st Dec 2020
What a bumper week the boys and girls in junior and senior infants have had. They...
10th Dec 2020
Elfie is back this year in the infant room and is getting up to all kinds of mischief...
10th Dec 2020
The Junior & Senior Infants we’re very busy recently creating these beautiful...
30th Nov 2020
Junior and Senior infants really enjoyed painting owl babies based on the lovely...
17th Nov 2020
The Christmas Annuals are now available to order through the school. Every...
13th Nov 2020
There was great excitement in Junior and Senior infants for science week. The children...
11th Nov 2020
The weather was too wet to go outside today. The children in Junior and Senior infants...